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A Basic Human Right

February 18, 2020

If we believe people have the right to shelter or a home and there are no homes or shelters available except for a tent then these people without homes or shelter are exercising a basic human right. We are one of the wealthiest nations on the planet and could easily afford to house every person who is homeless without impacting our current standard of living. Displacing people does not make the problem go away. Instead of displacing people who have no homes we should start building homes. Immediately.

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  1. Steph Beaumont permalink

    What do you recommend we do? How can we do this?

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  2. We know there is a ton of $ coming down the pipe for housing. We need to ensure some of those dollars are for unique accommodations for the persons classified as chronically homeless. The bureaucracy to administer these funds keep a lot of people employed and cause frustration for developers – both private and non-profit. We developed a 44 unit housing project and had to deal with 2 government ministries, a LHIN, the City, Infrastructure Ontario and the Banks. Is it any wonder housing takes too long to complete? In the interim we need to treat homelessness like the national crisis it is. Bring in services to designated tent city areas. Bring in tiny houses, bunkies and ensure trained compassionate staff are available to support people. Finally – develop shelter services that are person centric and not staff centric. People are being denied shelter for reasons that defy logic. It is oppression.

  3. Steph Beaumont permalink

    I have never had more friends sleeping in tents or in other ways outside than I do now. I regularly do walks to go check on them to make sure they are still alive. Teach me all the things! ________________________________

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